Northrop Gamma 2B, Gary Adams, 1/72 Williams Bros. Injection Kit Conversion
This is a conversion I did of the Williams Brothers kit of the Northrop Gamma. I built it as one of the many incarnations of Ellsworth's Polar Star Trans Antartic Explorer. I was taken by a picture of the plane in a short lived float version after it was retrieved following his first attempt to fly over the South Pole. The Edo floats were vacuformed from a hard balsa master, carved split down the center line then vac\'ed. Struts were sheet and strip styrene. The flaps were built from sheet styrene and detailed with sprue. The late, conventional ailerons were also made from sheet styrene with ribs embossed in the finale lamanate layer. A complete cockpit was scratchbuilt (including a radio work table with map and yellow pencil). The cowl was vacuformed over a sanded down kit part. Engine face plate was also vacuformed over the solid kit engine then glued in place over a detailed engine (sprue and wire). Rigging and antenae from stretched sprue. Canopy vacuformed over a styrene solid master. No after market or PE parts, kit decals used, and Testors chrome silver airbrushed with the trusty Badger 200. Wings of Peace 2009 Record Breakers and Explorers themed contest winner!