Sqn-Ldr (Sir) Leonard Horatio Slatter KBE CB DSC DFC

  1916, when a Sub-Lieut in the RNVR


born in Durban, S Africa; in charge of the High Speed Flight in 1927; later Air Marshall Sir Leonard, C-in-C Coastal Command 1945; died 1961

Full story here: Leonard Slatter - Wikipedia


Here is a contemporary video of his flight to South Africa in 1929, (which includes footage of Adelaide Cleaver and Donald Drew's flight (see Cleaver, Adelaide Franklin)  and that of Owen and Muir's accident in their Vickers Vellox on their way to Australia - see England-Australia Flights



If your connection is too slow to stream it without stuttering, you can download it here (it's 265 Mb):

  Download VTS_01_1


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