Flt-Lt Arthur Harold Charles Rawson



b. 7 Sep 1896, Calcutta, India

British Army 1914-16; RAF 1916-21 & 1923-28; RAFO 1928-36

Test pilot (subs Chief Pilot), Cierva Auto-Giro Co, 1928-32

Involved in early helicopter experiments, including a helicopter promotional tour of the UK in Aug 1928, and of Europe (Paris, Brussels, Cologne, Dortmund, Hanover, Berlin & Rotterdam, incl dual with German Ace Ernst Udet), in Oct 1928

co-author,' The Book of the C.19 Autogiro' (1931)

staff pilot for Cobham's Flying Circus in 1932

RAF 1940-41

Died in WWII - 3 Jun 1941, crashed ½m North of Towyn Aerodrome attempting a forced landing after engine failure in Henley III L3284. He and AC2 Sharp were trapped in the aircraft, which burnt out.


 Research: thanks to Steve Brew

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