Mr John Reginald Bryans

b. 16 Jun 1906 in Kent, a Naval Officer

Royal Navy Sub-Lt in 1928, Lt in 1929, and a (not very successful) amateur tennis player.

Left the Navy and married Dame Anne Margaret Gilmour, daughter of Sir John Gilmour, in 1932.

A Director of British Continental Airways in 1936; they operated a service between Liverpool, Doncaster and Amsterdam, and from London to Stockholm.

Resigned from the board of British Airways, rejoined the Navy and was promoted to Lt-Cmdr(Emergency) in October 1937.

Later, Chairman and MD of Bryans of Mitcham, Surrey; in 1962 he wrote to The Times: "As an exporter, I humbly submit it is high time everyone stopped talking about a fair basis for British industry to export, and got down to some action".

From 1964, a Director of Seltronic Group.

d. Jul 1990 in London


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